Ready to move office for rent

118 0 განახლებულია: 18/11/2024 23:44:51 ჩამოთვლილი: 18/11/2024 მოხსენება WEB ID: 45577

დუბაის საინვესტიციო პარკი , დუბაი

37,892,490.00 LBP ყოველწლიურად

1 სველი წერტილები U/F 107 m² / 1146 FT ქირავდება
მზა ქონება
107 m² / 1146 FT

CEO Building, Dubai Investment Park (DIP), Dubai

Offices in Dubai Investment Park (DIP) offer a modern and comfortable working environment for businesses of all sizes. The offices are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including high-speed internet, air conditioning, and 24-hour security.

• Fitted Ceiling with Lighting
• Fire Alarm system with smoke detectors and Sprinklers installed in every office.
• Fitted Fibre Optic connection.
• 24/7 Security Service and Maintenance Service located on site.
• Pantry with dedicated cabinets for each office on every floor.
• Toilets on each floor.
• CCTV camera system.
• Pest control provided for common areas, toilets and pantries.
• Dewa and Chiller including 
- ■ office partition
- ■ Security Deposit =5%
- ■ Vate=5%
- ■ Commission =5%+vat
- ■ Ejari Fee=250
- ■ Dewa and Internet including the rent 
- ■ Maintenance Free
- ■ Covered Parking space
- ■ CCTV Camera
- ■ 24 Hour Security with Advanced Safety.
If you want more details please contact:
Name: Muhammad Mehboob kamboh
WhatsApp/CONTACT #number:View Contact Detail
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