Stately 2BR Living in the Act Towers 2

49 0 განახლებულია: 14/02/2025 17:03:59 ჩამოთვლილი: 14/02/2025 მოხსენება WEB ID: 51167

დუბაის ცენტრი , დუბაი

13,615,000.00 LBP ყოველთვიური

2 საძინებელი 2 სველი წერტილები F/F 110 m² / 1175 FT ქირავდება
მზა ქონება
110 m² / 1175 FT

Enjoy exceptional views while sitting on your balcony in our luxurious 2-bedroom property in Act one Act two, Tower 2.  The dynamic façades of these towering masterpieces mark the gateway to the world’s most notable skyscraper, Burj Khalifa – and a door to everything the iconic Downtown Dubai has to offer.

With spectacular views of Burj Khalifa from your window, you can expect to be part of year-round celebrations. With its prime spot in The Dubai Opera District, the prestigious Dubai Opera is right on your doorstep, inviting you to delve into a world of cultural experiences. Exotic restaurants and cafes catering to the widest range of tastes also beckon on the dynamic Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Boulevard, while the Dubai Mall and Souk Al Bahar promise you even more memorable experiences.

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